News from the RCS in the Australian Capital

Should the USA become a member of the Commonwealth?

US President Donald Trump recently raised the possibility of the USA becoming a member of the Commonwealth. Click on the link below to hear RCS ACT President Matthew Neuhaus discussing this possibility on Sydney Radio 2GB.

Commonwealth Day 2025 Multi-faith Service

Westminster Abbey

Click here for more details

12 March 2025

As President of the Royal Commonwealth Society ACT Branch, it was a great pleasure to welcome our Patron the Governor General HE Hon Sam Mostyn AC to the Commonwealth Day Multi-Faith Celebration at the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture on Commonwealth Day 10 March this year. 

It was wonderful to be able to showcase the full diversity and multi-cultural nature of the modern Commonwealth to the Governor General in this well attended event.  My particular thanks to the Convenor of the Commonwealth Day Celebration Committee, Mr Kanti Jinna OAM, our former President, and all those many individuals and performers who made this such a great day.

Following our AGM in February and the Commonwealth Day Celebration, there will be more events in the year ahead.  These include the King’s Birthday Dinner, the Anthony Low Commonwealth Lecture, and various talks, social events and even possibly a cricket match.   On this website you will be kept informed of these events.  You will also be linked to key developments across the wider Commonwealth of 56 member nations.  I would like to highlight the Phyllis Montgomerie Award for young researchers working on projects which will benefit the Commonwealth.

Details on membership, our Council and various aspects of the Society, including the Montgomerie Award, are all contained here on this website. We warmly welcome new applications for membership and details for joining are under the appropriate tab.  Could I encourage our current members to keep our Membership Secretary Dr Martin Hess up to date with their email addresses as this is our principal means of direct communication with members.

The RCS Council and I look forward to seeing you at our various activities and encourage new ideas for such activities.

With best wishes and a warm welcome


Hon Prof Matthew Neuhaus

President RCS ACT